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Supplier Alat Lab
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Supplier Alat Lab Specific gravity of semi-solid bituminous material ASTM D-70 / AASHTO T-228
For determining the specific grafity of semi-soild bituminous materials,asphalt,cement,and soft tar.Pitches by use of a picnometer.

Specific gravity of semi-solid bituminous material

ASTM D-70 / AASHTO T-228
For determining the specific grafity of semi-soild bituminous materials,asphalt,cement,and soft tar.Pitches by use of a picnometer.

  Picnometer Hubbart type,24 ml capacity 1 Pc
  Picnometer Hubbart type,25 ml capacity 1 Pc
  Thermometer ASTM 63 C, 8 to 320C 1 Pc

Dimension (l x w x h): 20 x 20 x 20 cm
Gross weight: 3kg

Also Requid, but not part of this set:

  • Hot Plate
  • Mixing Bowl 
  • Funnel


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