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Supplier Alat Lab Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse

Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse


For determining the aggregate impact value and resistence of aggregate to sudden shock of impact.

  Dunagan Balance    
  Mounting Table Welded steel table,elevated
Container support
1 Set
  Water Container Galvanized container,20 ltr capacity 1 Pc
  Heavy Duty Solution 20 kg capacity,1 gr sensitivity
Supplied complete with weight
1 Set
  Sample Basket # 8 mesh,200 mm dia 200 mm height 1 Pc

Dimension ( l x w x h ) :85 x 50 x 130 cm
Gross Weight : 60 kg 

Also required,but not part of this set  :

  • Sample splitter
  • Drying  Oven
  • Squar Pan
  • Quartering canvas
  • Scoop 


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