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Supplier Alat Lab Soundness Test Set ASTM C – 88 / AASHTO T – 104
For determining aggregate resistance to disintegration by saturate
Solution of sodium sulfate magnesium sulfate.

Soundness Test Set

ASTM C – 88 / AASHTO T – 104
For determining aggregate resistance to disintegration by saturate
Solution of sodium sulfate magnesium sulfate.

Dimension  ( l x w x h )  : 80 x 50 x 40 cm
Gross Weight : 8 kg

No Part Qty
1 STOCK SOLUTION / Sodium sulphate solution (Na2SO4), 1 Litre. 1 Btl
2 MIXING BOWL / Stainless steel, 24 cm dia. 1 Pc
3 BEAKER GLASS / 1000 ml capacity. 1 Pc
4 THERMOMETER GLASS , 0 - 100 deg.C 1 Pc


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