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Supplier Alat Lab Reflux extractor test set ASTM D-2172 / AASHTO T164
for determining bitumen content in hot mixed paving mixtures and pavement samples.

Reflux extractor test set

ASTM D-2172 / AASHTO T164

for determining bitumen content in hot mixed paving mixtures and pavement samples.

No Part Qty
1 GLASS JAR / Pyrex, 6" i.d approx. 1 Pc
2 FUNNEL / Two wire mesh screen cone. 1 Pc
3 CONDENSOR / Brass, copper. 1 Pc
4 HOT PLATE / 220 V-AC, 1000/1500 watt. 1 Set
5 FILTER PAPER / Low ash filter paper. 1 Box.
6 ASBESTOS / wire gauze, 15 x 15 cm. 1 Pc


Dimension ( 1 x w x h ) : 90 x 50 x 50 cm

Gross weight : 15 kg

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