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Supplier Alat Lab Centrifuge extractor test set (electric) ASTM D-2173 / AASHTO T-164
For determining bitument concret in hot mixed paving mixture and pavement sample.

Centrifuge extractor test set (electric)

ASTM D-2173 / AASHTO T-164

For determining bitument concret in hot mixed paving mixture and pavement sample.

  Centrifuge Extractor Hand operated, alumunium housing removable
Over and bowl, 1500 gr cap.
1 Set
  Filter Paper Low ash filter paper 1 Box

Dimension (l x w x h) : 25 x 25 x 60 cm

Gross weight : 10kg

Also Requid, but not part of this set:

  • Triple Beam Balance
  • Cooling System
  • Butane Fielld Heater
  • Glass Funnel
  • Leather Gloves


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