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Supplier Alat Lab Air Permeability Of Portland Cement By Fineless Device ASTM   C – 204 / AASHTO   T- 153
For determining fineness of porland cement by air permeability.

Air Permeability Of Portland Cement By Fineless Device

ASTM   C – 204 / AASHTO   T- 153
For determining fineness of porland cement by air permeability.

No Part Qty
1 STAND / Polished wood. 1 Pc
2 U-Tube manometer / Glass tubing with valve. 1 Pc
3 PERMEABILLITY CELL / Stainless steel. 1 Pc
4 PERFORATED DISC / Non corroding metal. 1 Pc
5 PLUNGER / Stainless steel. 1 Pc
6 STOCK SOLUTION / Dibutylphtalate 1 Ltr
7 FILTER PAPER / Type 1, grade B. 1 Box
8 FUNNEL / Glass. 1 Pc


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