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Supplier Alat Lab Absorption of fine aggregate test set

Absorption of fine aggregate test set

ASTM     C- 128 / AASHTO  T- 19
For determining the water absorption of fine aggregate at saturated surface dry

- Cone and Tamper
  Cone Brass,40 mm i.d.at the top 90 mmi.d.
  At the botton, 75 mm height 1 Pc
- Tamper Machine steel,25 cm dia 1 Pc
- Mixing Bowl Stainless steel,25 cm dia 1 Pc
- Glass Plate 10 mm thick,30 x 30 cm 1 Pc
- Volumetric Flask 500 ml capacity 1 Pc
- Scraper Plastic Handle 1 Pc

Dimension ( l x w x h ) :40 x 40 x 30 cm
Gross Weight : 7 kg


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